Saturday, October 28, 2006

About my little buddy.

Let me introduce my little buddy to you today.
It's my old 'film' camera.

I bought this when I decided to take photos of northern mother nature.
That was a big decision for me, because it was quite expensive (for me) at that time.

I took it whereever I was traveling and saw many unforgettable beautiful scenery together.

I took it to the Denali national park, the ANWR in Alaska, Dempster highway, Old Crow in Y.T., Tsiigehtchic in N.W.T.,etc, etc. We were always together when I was having a tough time and delightful time. So, I didin't feel alone. When I got dipressed, I just went out with my little buddy.

I've started to use digital camera out of necessity since few years ago, but still I love my little buddy.

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